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The national theatre of Great Britain

Топик на тему: The national theatre of Great Britain

It took over the hundred years to establish a national theatre company. It's first director in 1962 was Lawrence Olivier. This is the first state theatre Britain has ever had. A special building for it was opened in 1976. It has three theatres in one: "The Oliver theatre", the biggest is for the main classical repertoire; "The Lyttilton", a bit smaller is for new writing and for visiting foreigh countries and "The Cottesloe theatre", the smallest is used for experimental writing and productions. "The Royal Shakespeare company" are devided between the country and the capital and it's produces plays mainly by Shakespeare and his contempraries when it performs is "Stratford -on-Avon", and modern plays in it's two auditoria in the Cities, Barbican centre.

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Категория: Топики | Добавил: suren (05.10.2010)
Просмотров: 520 | Теги: topics in english, Английский язык, topics, Топики, топики по английскому языку, Топики по английскому, топики темы по английскому языку
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