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Fast food (pros and corns)
The Fast Food Diet: Pros

One advantage of the Fast Food Diet is its ease. “You don’t have to do your own prep,” says dietitian Leslie Bonci, RD, director of sports nutrition at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “The portion size is pre-determined.”

Another benefit: It does help you choose lower-fat, lower-calorie choices. “If you frequent these restaurants, you can choose the best items on the menu,” says Amy Lanou, PhD, nutritionist and assistant professor of health and wellness at the University of North Carolina in Ashville.

The Fast Food Diet: Cons

One of the biggest challenges is the temptation dieters face. You’re ordering a baked potato, hold the sour cream, while your favorite foods are being deep-fried right under your nose. Says Lanou, “If you are used to eating a 3,000-calorie meal at a fast-food restaurant and are suddenly trying to eat less, you’re still there smelling the smell. It can be hard to stick with.”

There’s also the issue of the limited amount of fruits and vegetables. “Most people don’t go into a fast food restaurant and order the salad,” says Bonci. “And how much lettuce and tomato can you put on a burger?”

When there are fruits and vegetables on the menu, they are usually skimpy and nutritionally lacking. “The produce is not dark green. There is no arugula, no broccoli,” says Bonci. “The fruit may be on a yogurt parfait, and you can count the number of berries on one hand.” Whole-grain bread and brown rice are unheard-of, except for the occasional offering at a restaurant like Subway.

The overall choices are limited, too. “A lot of times, it’s a burger or chicken,” says Bonci. “Fish choices are slim to none, and it’s pretty much fried. You don’t usually see salmon.”

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Категория: Топики | Добавил: suren (21.09.2010)
Просмотров: 2016
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